The perfect aroma to start and end my day with. I remember when both my body and my conscience were craving for peace, there was a war my soul was fighting and my body carried the wounds of the war. That day I finished my part in the war, but my mind was still not at rest because it was craving for inner peace rather than physical.
Nothing was working that eve and my restlessness carried with me to a sleepless night. Wandering beneath the dark skies with little blinkers of hope, was soothing for my eyes, but not for my soul. My soul was searching for truth in every atom present that night, tried every single activity that I loved; playing music and reading books… but nothing could quench my thirst in those dark hours. I decided to spend the night with the alluring nature, out on my terrace withstanding my temptation of peace… I had almost everything; the silence of the night, a book to pace up the time, and a roof of blinking stars… all there to complete the definition of peace and satisfaction; even still I felt something was missing.
It was at that very moment an aroma of coffee struck my nose, and I got the full stop to my definition of peace. A few moments later the cup of coffee in my hand justified my definition of peace. The authentic aroma drove all the cravings in my mind away with just a sip. There was a natural and yet satisfying curve of lips on my face. The strong taste on my tongue and the little tipiness were enough for me that night. It was just a cup of coffee that perfectly complimented the chilly night… just a cup of coffee that completed my day… just a cup of coffee that drove my stress away… just a cup of coffee I fell in love with.